The other player has left the game - you are no longer connected.
Sorry, but this character is not playable in the demo.
It appears that you may be low on RAM, so I recommend that you use low-resolution graphics to avoid running out of memory. Would you like to go ahead and use low-res graphics?
Are you sure you want to quit the game in progress?
File read/write error.
File not found.
An error occurred while sending/receiving network data.
Replays must be in the "Game/Replays" folder.
The game host has cancelled the game.
An invalid entry was found in the game scenario.
Could not open the game preferences file. You need to install one named "Preferences" in the "Game" folder in order to play.
Unclassified error - Stefan needs to define this error before shipping the game.
The selection you made is invalid; you can only select character files located in the "Characters" folder. Please try again.
Our machine tried to send network data before the clients were ready to receive it.
An error occurred in sending input to the host computer - the other player probably quit.
A network client failed to start the game on their machine.
NetSprocket was unable to retrieve the necessary information in a timely manner (timeout waiting for a message).
A NetSprocket error message was received.
When you gather a network game, you must also play in it (try gathering again and be sure to also join in the game).
You cannot run a networked game with less than two players connected.
NetSprocket error: NSpPlayer_GetEnumeration experienced an error.
NetSprocket error: NSpGame_Join experienced an error.
NetSprocket error: NSpGame_Host experienced an error.